Women Make Up Half of The World’s Population

Hello mamas and health advocates! 

As a California doula and nutritionist living in Europe, I’m thrilled 

to echo the sentiments of Nature Medicine’s new series on prioritizing women’s health: 

Addressing the neglect

¡Por fin! It’s high time we address the neglected needs of half the world’s population.

Imagine: 3.95 billion women, diverse and vibrant, yet 

often treated as an afterthought in healthcare. 

We deserve more than just a focus on reproductive health, crucial as it is. 

The leading causes of death for women globally – cardiovascular disease and cancer – demand our attention too.

Nature’s Medicine sheds

Nature Medicine sheds light on a crucial aspect often overlooked: sex differences 

and the powerful impact of sociocultural factors like discrimination and unequal power dynamics. 

These factors deeply influence our health, and ignoring them perpetuates inequities.

This series is a beacon of hope, igniting conversations 

and paving the way for global health equity. 

Throughout 2024, I’ll be following their lead, sharing insights 

and resources, and encouraging dialogue in our own Earthyvette community.

Let’s dive

Let’s explore some practical steps together:


Embrace nature as medicine 

Immerse yourself in nature’s healing embrace: hike, garden, practice yoga outdoors

or simply soak up the sunshine. 

Nature reduces stress, boosts mood, and promotes overall well-being.

Nurture community connections


Share your experiences, seek support from fellow mamas 

and health-conscious individuals. 

Our strength lies in community, and together we 

can advocate for change.
Advocate for holistic healthcare. 


Healthcare providers who understand the diverse needs of women 

and prioritize preventative care

Don’t hesitate to voice your concerns 

and ask for the care you deserve.

Stay informed and empowered. 

Educate yourself about women’s health issues, sex differences, 

and sociocultural factors that impact your well-being. 

Knowledge is power!


Additional Resources:


Nature Medicine’s Women’s Health Series

World Health Organization: Women’s Health

National Women’s Health Network


Much love,

Ivette Navarro | MS Nutritionist, Pregnancy health coach, Doula, Lactation Education


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